
Patna Archdiosan Youth Commision

There was a meeting organized for the parish youth at Danapur parish on 12th November 2023 by Fr. Christu Raj, the parish priest. Fr. Jeyakumar, the youth director also was invited for the meeting. 15 youths were gathered for the meeting. The meeting was commenced by a prayer. Soon after the prayer the president welcomed everyone gathered there.

In the meeting youth were reminded about their strength and roles in the church, parish, the society and in the family by Fr. Jeyakumar and Fr. Christu Raj and asked everyone to share views and ideas with regarding to their responsibilities. Sir. Sunil Kumar also shared his experiences that he had as a youth and working with and for the youth for many years in Patna Archdiocese.  Since it was a first meeting everyone presented for the meeting felt useful, happy and good to be gathered once in a month.

Fr. Christ Raj also asked the youth to organize and lead a mass in every second Sunday of the month and he also assured them that he would arrange different programs for the youth in the parish. All were extremely happy to welcome that suggestion. At the end they were asked to come together and be united and this will be a great strength for the church, parish, society and for everyone. Meeting was ended with a thanks giving prayer.

Youth Meeting at Danapur parish
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